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Find your PhD or DBA program. Select Your PhD or DBA degree. Is the abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy. Have a look at some of the top PhD programs listed below - you might find the top PhD program you are searching for! Should You Get a PhD in Creativity? April 12, 2018. To keep up with the needs pace of technology in the modern world, more schools are offering innovative terminal degrees. Pay Slightly Up For US Faculty.
درجة الدكتوراة بدوام جزئي- غير منتظم. البحث عن برنامج الدكتوراة أو برنامج دكتوراة في إدارة الأعمال. اختيار درجة الدكتوراة في الفلسفة أو درجة الدكتوراة في إدارة الإعمال. الت كنولوجيا الب يولوج ي ة. عبر الإنترنت البيولوجيا والعلوم الحياتية. Is the abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy.
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Leia oma PhD või DBA programm. Vali oma PhD või DBA kraad. Kunst, humanitaar- ja ühiskonnateadused. Auml;rindus, majandusteadus ja haldus. On lühend, mis tähistab Filosoofia doktorit. Ning see omistatakse tavaliselt peale laiaulatusliku teadustöö lõpetamist spetsiifilisel õppesuunal. Teadustöö peab oluliselt täiendama oma eriala ol.
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Vind jouw PhD of DBA Programma. Kies Jouw PhD of DBA. Voor Verenigde Staten van Amerika. Kunst, Geesteswetenschappen en Sociale wetenschappen. Business, Economie en Administratie. Online Biologie en Life Sciences. Verenigde Staten van Amerika Wet-en Regelgeving. For Voor Verenigde Staten van Amerika. Is de afkorting voor Doctor of Philosophy.
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Găsește programul tău DBA sau de Doctorat. Cele mai bune programe de doctorat 2015. Pentru Statele Unite ale Americii. Arte, Ştiinţe Umane şi Ştiinţe Sociale. Business, Economie și Administrație. Științe Biologice și ale Vieții. Online Științe Biologice și ale Vieții. Statele Unite ale Americii Drept şi Regulament. For Pentru Statele Unite ale Americii. Programele de doctorat de top.